Top Cat (Picture 3) cartoon images gallery | CARTOON VAGANZA

Top Cat (Picture 3) Free Online Cartoon Images Gallery. Top Cat (Picture 3) cartoon character and history. Top Cat (Picture 3) animated movie and comic. CARTOON VAGANZA

Top Cat (Picture 3)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Top Cat Cartoon Picture 3
Top Cat (Picture 3)
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Top Cat Cartoon Picture 3. Top Cat cartoon images gallery 3. Top Cat cartoon pictures collection 3. Top Cat and his gang were inspired by characters from the popular situation comedy You'll Never Get Rich (later called The Phil Silvers Show). It has also been said that the Bowery Boys influenced the show. Maurice Gosfield, who played Private Duane Doberman on The Phil Silvers Show, also provided the voice for Benny the Ball in Top Cat (Benny's rotund appearance was based on Gosfield too). Even Arnold Stang's voicing of Top Cat strongly resembled Phil Silvers' voice. Another possible source material was Hokey Wolf, a segment on The Huckleberry Hound Show, which also had parallels to The Phil Silvers Show. Top Cat Cartoon Picture 3. Top Cat cartoon images gallery 3. Top Cat cartoon pictures collection 3. A frequent plot-line revolved around the local policeman, Officer Charles "Charlie" Dibble, and his ineffective attempts to evict the gang from the alley. The only reason that he wanted to be rid of them was that Top Cat and his gang were constantly attempting to earn a quick dollar—usually through an illegal scam. Dibble's appearance was modeled on Allen Jenkins, who did his voice. Dibble, previously only an implement for making holes for planting seeds, has acquired a second meaning in the vernacular as slang for police officers. Top Cat is the yellow skinned, greedy, somewhat lazy, and clever main character. He wears a purple hat and jacket. He often rips off and\or tricks his gang and Officer Dibble. He does respect the effort the gang does for him, but he often takes credit for it. He also stops Officer Dibble from arresting him by lying to Dibble about how much talent Dibble has. Top Cat is voiced by Arnold Stang. Top Cat Cartoon Picture 3. Top Cat cartoon images gallery 3. Top Cat cartoon pictures collection 3.



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